Jesus Family Ministry Sunday School

When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these”. Mark 10:14

In Jesus Family Church, Jersey City, NJ God has blessed the Sunday School Ministry. Around 10 to 15 children participate in the Sunday School which takes place every Sunday morning around 11:30 AM. With the vision that every kid should work for God’s glory, every week we teach Bible stories which inspire them and Christian action songs. Most of the children are under 5 years of age and we know that this is the age we can implant God’s holy seed which is His precious Word and they accept it with faith and we truly know and believe and pray that these children will one day serve our Living God with great enthusiasm and holiness. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 11:1 Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again. And we firmly believe in this word.

We encourage each child to say the Memory verse in the Sunday Service in our Church and they also sing a group song. They use their talents like playing instruments and singing for God’s glory.

We also have Vacation Bible School during the month of July/August, every year. VBS is conducted for 1 week starting from Monday to Friday from 10 AM to 4 PM providing snacks and lunch. They are assembled and taught action songs and skits are enacted by teachers to teach them the theme of that day. Then they are classified into different groups according to their age and are taught valuable Bible lessons and arts and crafts. On the final day, children give a presentation to the Church on what they learn in their VBS. In VBS, children are taught to lead a good life pleasing to God by obeying their parents and elders and also encouraged to tell their friends about Jesus Christ and to bring them to VBS. Games are conducted and prizes are given for all children.

Our Special Thanks to all the teachers and those who help us in Sunday School and VBS program. Our mission and goal is that every child should build their life on the foundation of Jesus Christ with faith and love.